Wicked Games (Denver Rebels) Page 6
She stared at him, her pulse racing. “Am I a distraction?”
“You are.” His eyes fell to her mouth, and he shook his head slowly. “You have no idea how distracting you are.”
Nadia felt a tug of heated pleasure between her thighs. She caught her lower lip between her teeth and then shook her head, dismissing his words. “I’m not even your type.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her. “I didn’t realize I had a type.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she scoffed. “Of course you do.”
“Yeah?” Her breath hitched as he leaned forward, trapping her in the heat of his direct gaze. “What’s my type?”
“Blondes and brunettes. Women with big breasts, tiny waists and mile-long legs. You know, Barbie dolls.”
“Barbie dolls, huh?” He chuckled grimly. “Damn. You make me sound so shallow and boring.”
Nadia lifted an eyebrow. “Are you going to deny that all the women you date tend to look the same? And before you answer, keep in mind that I’ve seen pictures.”
“Well, in that case, there’s nothing more to discuss, is there? If it was published in a newspaper or splashed across some gossip blog, that’s the only story you need to know.” There was a mocking edge to his voice that made her frown.
Was that why he hated reporters? Because he felt that they misrepresented him?
He scrubbed a hand over his bristly jaw and blew out a breath. “Here’s the thing. Hockey pretty much consumes my life. With my grueling travel schedule, I don’t have time for serious relationships. I enjoy having a good time. The women I go out with are the ones who approach me, the ones who make themselves available.”
Nadia gave him a sardonic look. “Well, I didn’t approach you. And, to be honest, I’m not available.”
Disappointment flashed in his eyes. “I’m really sorry to hear that.”
“Because I want to see you again.”
She snorted. “You just finished telling me that you don’t have time for relationships. I don’t even know why you went out of your way to ask me out. If all you want is a good time—”
“It’s not.”
She faltered, blinking. “What?”
He leaned forward, the sudden intensity of his gaze searing. “I asked you out because I can’t get you off my mind. Because ever since yesterday I’ve been thinking more about getting to know you than preparing for tomorrow’s game. I asked you out, Nadia, because you’re the first woman I’ve ever met who makes me want much more than just a good time.”
Her heartbeat doubled, the impact of his words robbing her of breath.
Holding her stunned gaze, he reached across the table and took her hand in his. The heat of his large palm sent sparks of sensation from her fingers to her stomach. As he gently stroked her hand with his thumb, her skin tingled and her toes curled inside her pumps.
They stared at each other without speaking.
The moment was interrupted when the barista suddenly materialized.
Blushing self-consciously, Nadia pulled her hand from Reid’s and averted her gaze to the window. As the girl cleared away their empty bowls, she flirted some more with Reid, asking him if he’d enjoyed the soup as much as she’d promised he would. She didn’t pretend to care about Nadia’s opinion—which might have annoyed her if she weren’t still reeling from the things Reid had said.
After the barista left, Nadia drew a shaky breath, then picked up her purse and slung the strap over her shoulder. “It’s getting late. We should be going.”
Disappointment flickered in Reid’s eyes, but he nodded and reached into his back pocket for his wallet. After dropping a large bill on the table, he rose from the booth. Just that quickly, Nadia had forgotten how tall he was.
“We’ll go to a nice restaurant next time,” he told her. “I have a few in mind.”
She frowned up at him. “There won’t be a next time.”
He stood over her, contemplating her with narrowed eyes. “Tell me I’m the only one who feels this insane chemistry between us.”
A shiver moved through her. She swallowed convulsively. “Just because I’m attracted to you—”
Something like triumph flashed in his eyes. “We’ll discuss it on the way back to your car.”
Before she could argue, he helped her from the booth and then steered her out of the café.
His hand stayed at the small of her back as they crossed the street and made their way toward the campus parking lot. The weight of his touch sent tingles of awareness through her, making it difficult to concentrate on the task of walking and breathing at the same time.
Talking was out of the question. So she was relieved when he remained mostly silent during the walk back to the university.
The parking lot wasn’t as full as before. The bulk of the crowd had come and gone for the evening.
“This is me,” Nadia said when they reached her little blue Ford Fiesta.
“American,” Reid observed with an approving nod. “Good girl.”
She grinned. “I take it you’re one of those guys who only drives American cars.”
“Yes, ma’am. My father worked for Ford for over thirty years. It’d be sacrilegious to drive anything but American.”
Nadia’s grin turned teasing. “So you haven’t spent all your millions on foreign cars? If I came to your house, I wouldn’t find any Ferraris or Lamborghinis in your driveway?”
“Nah.” He winked. “But you’re more than welcome to come see for yourself if you don’t believe me.”
She laughed. “Um, that’s okay. I’ll take your word for it.”
“Are you sure?”
Reid smiled at her. His eyes were glittering, reflecting the parking lot’s lights.
A cool breeze drifted over them, tugging strands of hair from Nadia’s ponytail. It had been warm earlier, so she’d left her cardigan in the car. But now that the temperature had dropped, the night air was chilly.
“Well, um, thanks again for the coffee,” she said, adjusting the strap of her purse over her shoulder. “And the soup.”
“Anytime.” Reid reached out and gently cupped her cheek in his large, callused palm. Her entire body tingled, warmed by his touch.
“I should…” She trailed off, the word go getting stuck in her throat.
He stroked her cheek, searching her gaze. “Should what?”
She could only stare up at him.
His eyes dropped to her mouth, causing her stomach to flutter. When her tongue darted out to moisten her lips, he groaned.
“What?” she whispered.
“Drives me out of my damn mind every time you do that.”
Nadia blushed. “Sorry.”
He smiled. “Don’t be.”
She couldn’t move as he traced the shape of her lips with the pad of his thumb. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. “So fucking beautiful.”
Her heart nearly flew out of her chest, and her knees felt dangerously close to buckling. “Reid—”
He cupped her face between his hands, lowered his head and slanted his mouth over hers.
The heat of the kiss slammed through her, jackknifing her heart and stealing her breath. Her hands lifted to his chest, ostensibly to push him away. Instead they curled into his shirt, gripping fistfuls of the fabric. He made a hungry sound deep in his throat.
His lips were soft and warm, moving over hers with a skill and confidence that melted her insides. He kissed her deep and slow, as if he were pacing himself, trying not to devour her. But she wanted to be devoured, and the anticipation of it had her legs shaking and her senses reeling.
His tongue pressed between her lips, licking at her mouth with lush, languorous strokes. She moaned as her clit swelled, hot juices wetting the crotch of her panties.
He slid one hand behind her neck, cradling her head while his other hand went around her waist, pulling her flush against him. His body was hard and pow
erful, packed with solid muscle. Her breasts tingled, her nipples tightening at the contact with his broad chest.
As the pressure of his mouth grew more insistent, she barely noticed as her purse slid off her shoulder and hit the ground. Her mind had been stripped of everything but the consuming pleasure of kissing Reid. When he licked her bottom lip and then sucked on it, she felt an answering tug in her nipples and whimpered.
“Baby.” The endearment, spoken in a hoarse whisper, rocked her to the core. “You’re so sweet. So damn sweet.”
He devoured her lips, tasting them, sucking them, thrusting his tongue between them to tangle with hers. Intoxicated, she wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted up on her toes to get even closer to him. Her body burned with the need to feel him hard inside her, slamming deep.
Shuddering, he ran his hand down her back and cupped the swell of her ass, holding her tight against him. At the feel of his huge erection, she gasped into his mouth.
A low rumble vibrated in his chest, the erotic sound making her pussy clench. He angled his head to deepen the kiss, pinning her against the car with his big body.
Her pulse pounded as his right hand slid under her dress, stroking the heated skin of her inner thigh. She shivered violently and moaned like a porn star. When she sucked his tongue into her mouth, he grabbed her buttocks in both hands and lifted her, pressing his hardness into her. Pleasure tore through her and she cried out, writhing her hips against him.
“Jesus, Nadia,” he rasped.
Shocked back to sanity, she broke the kiss and pulled away from him, breathless and panting. Her legs were shaking so bad she would have collapsed if he didn’t have her pinned against the car door.
Staring into his face, she whispered shakily, “I have to go.”
His eyes glittered down at her, hot and searing. “I need to see you again.”
The husky urgency in his voice made her quiver. She swallowed hard and shook her head, even as her body vibrated with lust. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
He braced one hand on the roof of the car, leaning over her. “Come to the game tomorrow night.”
“No.” She licked her lips, still tasting him. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because I—” At the sound of approaching voices, her eyes widened in panic and she shoved at his chest.
He reluctantly stepped back, releasing her just as the footsteps reached them. She angled her body away and held her breath, hoping and praying that no one would look over and recognize Reid. She’d be mortified if a parent or student caught her making out with a hockey player in a public parking lot.
When the voices moved on, she breathed a sigh of relief, shaken by how close they’d come to being discovered. She had to get out of there before she made an even worse mistake. Like dragging Reid into the backseat of her Fiesta, straddling his lap and screwing his brains out.
Turning her back on him, she pulled at the car door handle before she remembered that it was locked and the keys were in her purse. On the ground.
So much for a quick getaway. Shit.
As she turned around, Reid was already bending down to pick up her purse. With him crouched in front of her, he was eye level with her pelvis. She shivered and pressed her thighs together, acutely aware of her wet panties.
He lifted his eyes to hers. “When can I see you again?”
“Never.” She held out her hand for her purse. When he held on to it, she cocked an eyebrow. “You planning to hold my purse for ransom?”
His eyes twinkled. “Maybe.”
She gave him a narrow look, then shrugged dismissively. “Keep it. I got it dirt cheap at Ross anyway.”
He chuckled softly and rose to his full height, towering over her. “Have dinner with me, Nadia.”
She heaved an exasperated breath. “You really don’t give up, do you?”
He grinned. “If you’d ever watched me play hockey, you’d already know the answer to that question.”
“Oh, I get it,” she said knowingly. “You’re one of those guys who enjoys a challenge. The more a woman says no, the more persistent you are. It’s the thrill of the chase.”
A hint of a smile curved his sexy mouth. “I do enjoy a good chase. It makes the reward that much sweeter.”
“Yeah? Well, go chase something else. A puck, maybe. Or a puck bunny. I’m not interested.”
His eyes gleamed. “The way you kissed me would suggest otherwise.”
Her face flamed. He had her there.
She stared up at him as he reached out and caught a loose strand of her hair. As he tucked it behind her ear, she struggled to control the shiver that fluttered down her spine.
“I’m not going out with you,” she told him.
He moved closer. “Why not?”
“You’re not my type.”
He looked amused. “You don’t date white guys?”
“Jocks. I don’t date jocks.”
“What do you have against jocks?”
“It’s complicated. Now give me back my purse.” She tried to snatch it out of his hand, but his grip tightened. When she tugged on the bag, he held fast.
Their eyes locked.
“Let go,” she gritted out.
“Have dinner with me.”
She groaned, stamping her foot in exasperation. “How many times—”
“At least just think about it,” he cajoled.
She shook her head at him, torn between frustration, disbelief and reluctant amusement. “If I agree to think about it, will you let me go?”
“Maybe.” When she sputtered in protest, he laughed. “Just kidding. Yes, Nadia, I’ll let you go if you promise to consider having dinner with me.”
Scowling, she grumbled, “What is it with you and food anyway?”
His grin was boyish. “I like to eat. And I burn a lot of calories playing hockey, so I need the carbs, know what I’m saying? Gotta keep the engine running.”
Nadia bit her lip so she wouldn’t smile. The man was insufferable. And sexier than he had any right to be.
“Fine,” she relented on a huff of breath. “I’ll consider your dinner invitation. Now give me back my purse so I can go home.”
He smiled and handed it to her. She was careful not to let their fingers touch.
After fishing her keys out of her purse, she unlocked the car door and climbed behind the wheel.
Reid closed the door for her, then stood there waiting while she buckled her seat belt, started the engine and let it warm up. She deliberately didn’t look at him, although she could feel him watching her. When her phone rang, she dug it out of her purse and frowned at the unfamiliar number.
“Hello?” she answered tentatively.
“Hey,” a husky voice slid into her ear.
Surprised, she whipped her head around to stare out the window at Reid. He stood there holding his phone to his ear.
She buzzed down her window and exclaimed, “You have my number?”
“I do.” His grin was knee-weakeningly sexy. “And now you have mine.”
She was still in a daze when she arrived home, her body tingling all over from Reid’s scorching kiss.
She stepped through the front door, then pulled up short at the sight of Nelson and his girlfriend, Bianca, making out on the sofa. Startled, they sprang apart and stared at her.
“Sorry,” she said, quickly averting her eyes. “Didn’t mean to interrupt.”
This drew sheepish chuckles from the couple.
As she dropped her purse on the sideboard, Nelson grabbed his eyeglasses from the coffee table and put them on. “I didn’t expect you home till later.”
“Clearly.” Nadia grinned teasingly at his girlfriend. “I’m glad you’re back, Bianca. Nelson’s like a lost puppy whenever you go out of town. It’s pathetic.”
“Hey, that’s not true!” Nelson protested.
Bianca giggled, resting her head on his shoulder. She was a pretty girl with deep brown skin, stylis
hly layered dark hair and a full figure. The jacket of her designer pantsuit was unbuttoned to reveal a lacy peach camisole, her ample breasts spilling over the top. A marketing representative, she was one of those girly-girls who put on makeup and heels just to run out for coffee or pick up her dry cleaning.
She and Nelson met at happy hour several months ago and had been going strong ever since. When Bianca wasn’t traveling for work, she was hanging out over there. Good thing Nadia liked her.
Sighing, she toed off her pumps and headed for the kitchen, the wood floor cool beneath her bare feet. As she passed the living room, she noticed that there were two empty wineglasses on the coffee table, and the television was tuned to ESPN with the sound muted.
Nelson rose from the sofa and followed her. “So what’re you doing home so early?”
“It’s not early. It’s after nine.”
“I know.” There was a sly note in his voice. “I thought you’d be out much later.”
“Nope. Sorry to disappoint you.”
“I’m not disappointed. Just surprised.” Nelson trailed her into the kitchen, watching as she went to the fridge. “Did Reid come see you?”
“He did.” Nadia grabbed an open bottle of Moscato, closed the refrigerator door with her hip and retrieved a wineglass from the cabinet.
Nelson eyed her expectantly. “Well?”
She poured herself a glass of wine. “Well what?”
“What happened?”
“None of your business,” she retorted, leaning back against the counter as he moved to stand beside her. “By the way, thanks for telling him where to find me.”
“He caught me off guard,” Nelson said defensively. “I pick up the phone, and there’s Reid Holden on the other end asking for my sister’s number. I was shocked. And he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
Nadia shot him a skeptical look. “Did the word ‘no’ even leave your mouth?”
“Of course,” Nelson insisted. “I told him you aren’t into athletes. But he didn’t care. He was persistent as hell.”
Nadia took a sip from her glass. She knew all too well how persistent Reid could be.