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Touch of Heaven (St. James Sisters Book 1) Page 5
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Page 5
By the time Tyler Ralston had finished speaking—or, rather, lecturing—Raina could feel the onset of a headache. She pinched the bridge of her nose and drew a deep breath, striving for patience.
“Are you finished, Mr. Ralston?” she said levelly.
“Not by a long shot!” he blustered. “Now you listen here, young lady. I knew the couple who owned that property before you. Knew ’em for twenty years. And I can tell you right now that they would’ve had the good sense to recognize what a golden opportunity this is!”
“With all due respect,” Raina said mockingly, “the last time I checked, Mr. and Mrs. Schuler’s names no longer appear on the deed to this land. Mine does.”
“Not for long if I have anything to say about it!” Ralston flung back.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me, Miss St. James. My brother and I may have agreed to sign a confidentiality agreement about this deal until it’s finalized, but you’d better believe I’m going to do whatever it takes to help Mr. Mayne build at that location—with or without your cooperation!”
Raina leaped from her chair, outraged. “Are you threatening me, Mr. Ralston? Because that sounded an awful lot like a threat to me!”
He faltered for a moment, as if realizing he may have gone too far.
After another moment he said in a lofty, reprimanding tone, “I have no respect for small-minded business owners who put their own selfish interests above the needs of the community.”
Raina’s temper flared. “And I have no respect for greedy, opportunistic land developers who claim to care about the needs of the community when all they really care about is fattening their own pockets. Goodbye, Mr. Ralston!”
Raina slammed down the receiver.
How dare that man call her selfish, she fumed. The unmitigated gall! He was the one willing to sell out to the highest bidder. He was the one who would profit from displacing the tenants who occupied the shopping center next door. Where the hell did he get off lecturing her about serving the needs of the community? He didn’t know the first thing about her. She was not small-minded or selfish. She—
A gentle knock at the door made Raina bark, “Who is it?”
The door opened slowly. A petite, dark-skinned woman stood in the doorway holding two lattes and staring cautiously at Raina, as if she were a venomous snake poised to strike. “Is, um, this a bad time?”
“Yes,” Raina growled, waving the woman into the visitor chair. “But come in anyway.”
Tina Deveaux entered the small office and walked over to the desk, her wide hips swinging. “I brought you a latte,” she said in her lilting Caribbean accent, “but you look like you could use something stronger.”
Raina snorted, dropping heavily into her chair. “Tell me about it.”
Tina passed Raina the cup and settled into the visitor chair, sweeping her long, braided hair off one shoulder. “I have thirty minutes to kill before my first appointment. Since I was off yesterday, I thought I’d pop my head in and see how the boss lady is doing. Not too good, I see.”
“No, not really,” Raina admitted. She took a sip of the iced latte and let out an appreciative sigh. “That hits the spot. Thanks, Tina.”
“Don’t thank me. Thank Dalisay at the deli, who makes the best lattes in Houston, as far as I’m concerned.”
“No argument there.” Raina drank some more.
Tina frowned. “When I was over there, Dalisay told me they might be leaving soon. She said the landlord informed her and her husband yesterday that he might not renew their lease at the end of July.”
Raina scowled, incensed to realize that Tyler Ralston was not waiting until the deal with Mayne Industries was finalized. The arrogant bastard was proceeding as if the sale were a foregone conclusion. Damn him. And damn Warrick Mayne!
“So it is true?” Tina prodded, noting Raina’s furious expression. “Their landlord is planning to sell the shopping center?”
Raina hesitated, then nodded grimly. “I’m afraid so.”
“But why?”
“Because he’s a selfish, greedy businessman whose only concern is making money,” Raina grumbled.
Tina’s perfectly sculpted brows knitted together. “I don’t understand.”
Leaning her head against the back of her chair, Raina pushed out a long, weary breath.
Tina Deveaux was one of the first massage therapists Raina had hired after opening Touch of Heaven. Tina, a licensed masseuse with several years of experience in the salon industry, had been going through a painful divorce and struggling to raise her infant son alone when she had applied for the job at the day spa. Raina had known, even before she’d looked at her résumé, that Tina was the type of employee she was seeking. Not only was she knowledgeable and professional, but she had a way about her, an irrepressible warmth and charisma that immediately put people at ease, which was an essential quality in the service industry. From the outset she generously shared her knowledge and expertise with Raina, who, despite having an MBA from Columbia and five years of marketing and advertising experience on Wall Street, soon realized she had a lot to learn about running a day spa. In many ways, Tina had as much invested in Touch of Heaven as Raina did. For that reason, she deserved not to be kept in the dark about anything pertaining to the spa’s possible future.
Releasing another deep breath, Raina said, “Last week Ralston Development was approached by a wealthy buyer who wants to build an office complex at this location.”
Tina stared at her, her frown deepening. “The buyer wants to tear down the shopping center?”
“Yes. But not just the shopping center. The spa as well.”
Tina’s dark, almond-shaped eyes grew wide. “Oh no! You’re joking, right?”
Raina shook her head, her lips twisting cynically. “I wish. He came to see me yesterday to make an offer on the property.”
Tina leaned forward in her chair, her gaze intent. “What did you tell him?”
Raina gave a mirthless laugh. “What do you think I told him? I told him I have no intention of selling my property. And then I showed him the damn door.”
Tina laughed, clapping her hands together. “Thank God!”
“You know I’m not interested in selling the spa, Tina. This place keeps me sane.”
“You and me both. You know I love my Julien dearly, but coming to work gives me a welcome break from picking up toys, cleaning up spills and chasing down naked little boys who don’t want to get a bath!”
Raina laughed, thinking of Tina’s adorable but rambunctious three-year-old son. “How is the little man doing?”
“Oh, same as usual. Getting into everything he can, wherever he can. My mother’s taking him to the zoo and to a water park today, so he should be good and worn out by the time I get home this evening.”
Raina shook her head, incredulous. “I’m worn out just thinking about that itinerary. God bless your mother.”
Tina grinned. “She had me when she was very young, so I sort of returned the favor and gave her a grandchild while she’s still young and active enough to enjoy him.”
Raina groaned. “Please don’t ever tell my mother that. She’s still wondering when Reese and I are going to put our careers on hold and get to work giving her grandbabies. I keep reminding her that it might help if we could each find a good man first.”
Tina sucked her teeth. “I know that’s right. Don’t even get me started on my no-good ex-husband, who only comes around when he thinks I might be seeing someone else. Then all of a sudden he becomes the most loving, attentive father to Julien.” She rolled her eyes, waving a dismissive hand. “Anyway, getting back to the buyer we were talking about before. Who is he?”
Raina grimaced. “Just some out-of-state tycoon,” she answered vaguely.
Tina nodded. “When I came in this morning, Nikki told me you had a visitor yesterday. A man, she said. Fine as he wanted to be. Tall, dark and sexy. She said she could hardly keep her eyes off him. I got my hopes up, thin
king maybe you finally had a new man in your life. But then Nikki said you weren’t happy to see him, and he didn’t stay very long. I guess now I know why.”
Tina sounded so disappointed that Raina almost felt guilty. “Sorry to let you down,” she said wryly, reaching for her latte and taking a sip.
Tina grinned, her dark eyes glittering with mischief. “Just because you don’t want to sell your property to the man doesn’t mean you can’t accommodate him in other ways.”
Raina nearly choked on her drink. “What!” she sputtered. “Girl, have you lost your mind?”
Tina laughed, rich and full, a sound that delighted her clients almost as much as her soothing, capable hands. “I’m just saying, Raina. A man like that doesn’t come around every day. Tall, dark and handsome. Rich enough to buy up all this land and build an office complex. Nikki said his suit must have cost at least five grand and he was driving a Bentley, for God’s sake. She looked for a wedding ring and didn’t see one. You think a man like that would still be available if we were back in Saint Croix?” She laughed again, as if the mere idea were preposterous. “So who was he, Raina?”
Raina frowned. “I already told you—”
“No, I mean what’s his name? Hell, if you’re not interested, let me give him a call!”
Raina reached for a folder on her desk, mumbling, “His name is Warrick. Warrick Mayne.”
Dead silence filled the room. Then Tina sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes widening in shock. “Warrick Mayne was here?”
“In the flesh,” Raina muttered.
“Why didn’t you say so!”
“I just did.”
“No, why didn’t you say so at first?”
Raina frowned. “What difference does it make?”
“What difference does it make?” Tina stared at her, shaking her head in incredulous exasperation. “What am I going to do with you, Raina St. James? Do you know who that man is?”
“Yes,” Raina said through gritted teeth. “And if one more person reminds me, I’m going to—”
“Warrick Mayne is the president and CEO of one of the largest engineering firms in the country! He’s worth, like, eighty million dollars. Two years ago, they named a street in Houston after him. And don’t you remember when he was featured on the cover of Essence last year? The girls and I were sitting around drooling over his pictures and arguing over who should get to take home the magazine since it was sold out in every newsstand around the city. You finally stepped in and said it was the property of the spa since you specifically bought it for the waiting area, even though when the magazine disappeared a couple weeks later we all figured you probably took it home for yourself.”
“I did not!” Raina protested.
Tina grinned slyly. “No one would blame you if you did.”
“I didn’t.” Raina didn’t need any physical reminders of Warrick Mayne lying around her house. God knows she wasn’t likely to ever forget what he looked like. She had enough memories of the man to last her three lifetimes.
“Anyway,” Tina continued, “I just can’t believe you didn’t mention his name up front. Warrick Mayne coming to the spa is a very big deal.”
“Even if he is trying to snatch it out from under me,” Raina grumbled darkly.
Tina paused. “There is that.” She pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Well, he is a businessman. You can’t blame him for trying to do what he feels is best for his company.”
Raina shot her an accusing look. “Whose side are you on?”
Tina laughed. “Yours, of course! Believe me, I’m not biting the hand that feeds me. I’m just trying to see things from his perspective as well. And if you were thinking about selling to him—”
“I’m not.”
“I know. But if you were, he could definitely make you a nice offer. A very nice offer.”
“I don’t give a damn,” Raina snarled. “I don’t want his money. And you’re starting to sound like Tyler Ralston, so just stop it.”
“All right, all right.” Laughing, Tina held up her hands in surrender. “This is your spa, Raina, and you have to do what’s best for you. Trust me, I’m in no hurry to start looking for another job. I really like it here, and I like working for you. We all do.”
Raina smiled gently at her. “Then stop trying to break up the family. I’m not selling the property, so all of you are stuck with me.”
Tina heaved a long, dramatic sigh. “I think we can live with that.”
Raina chuckled dryly. “Thanks.”
Tina grinned lasciviously. “But I do feel bad about you sending Warrick Mayne away empty-handed. Are you absolutely sure you can’t think of other ways to accommodate him? Hmm?”
Raina scowled. She thought about the string of beautiful, glamorous women Warrick had dated over the past several years. She thought of the way Deniece Labelle had been draped all over him at the restaurant last night, the way they’d held hands across the table and exchanged intimate looks that left no doubt in Raina’s mind what they would be doing afterward.
“Believe me,” she said cynically, “Warrick Mayne is not suffering from a shortage of women willing to ‘accommodate’ him. In fact, I think it’s safe to say he has no trouble whatsoever finding, ah, available accommodations.”
“So true, so true.” Tina sighed enviously. “Of all the days I had to be off from work. If I were here, I wouldn’t have let that fine man leave without at least offering him a complimentary massage. Lord have mercy.”
Raina couldn’t help grinning. “We don’t do happy endings, Tina. I’m not running that kind of business.”
Tina snapped her fingers. “Damn!”
The two women laughed.
“But seriously,” Tina said, sobering after a moment. “If you happen to run into Warrick again, could you please get his autograph, and possibly his business card, for my younger brother Alphonse? He’s studying engineering at the university back home, and even he has heard of Warrick Mayne before. Alphonse is a huge fan of his, and I know he’d be thrilled to find out you actually met his idol.” She chuckled. “You could even put in a good word for my brother. Let Warrick know Alphonse is a straight-A student who’ll be looking for a job when he graduates in two years!”
Raina smiled. “Hey, that’s wonderful, Tina. I didn’t know your brother was an engineering major.”
“God, yes. That’s all he’s ever wanted to be—an engineer. I guess that’s another reason I admire Warrick Mayne so much. He’s been such an inspiration to my little brother.”
Raina’s smile softened. “Well, if I ever run into Warrick again, I will definitely get his autograph and tell him about Alphonse. I don’t know how much good it will do coming from me, considering I just turned down his sales offer.” And considering he already hates my guts, she silently added.
But at Tina’s hopeful look, she found herself going a step further. “I know—that is, I’ve heard—that Warrick really enjoys mentoring youth. Remember he founded that community center in the Third Ward, and his company has a wonderful minority scholarship program for high-school seniors as well as paid internships for college students.”
“Alphonse would kill to do an internship at Mayne Industries,” Tina said wistfully. “But he’s already tried applying for an internship there, and the competition is fierce. Alphonse said they receive so many applications that at a certain point they have to start turning people away. He thinks his chances are even slimmer because he doesn’t live in the States.”
“Well, you know how it is sometimes,” Raina said sympathetically. “It’s not what you know, but who you know.”
“Believe me,” said Tina, “if I knew Warrick Mayne, I would do whatever I could to help my brother get an internship with him.”
Before Raina could help herself or stop to question her sanity, she heard herself saying, “Tell you what. I, uh, know how to get in touch with Warrick while he’s in town. I could give him your brother’s résumé and ask him to forward it to the person in
charge of the internship program. What better way to get a foot in the door than to go through the CEO himself?”
Tina’s eyes widened excitedly. “Would you really do that for me, Raina?”
That was the moment Raina should have backpedaled. She should have done the right thing and leveled with Tina. She should have looked her in the eye and said, “Never mind. I spoke too soon. Warrick and I have a complicated past, and as much as I’d love to help your brother out, I’d really rather not put myself in the position of having to ask Warrick for anything.”
But instead of being honest, Raina shoved her foot—already in her mouth—farther down her throat. “Of course I would do that for you. And not just for you. I’m doing it for Alphonse, too.”
Tina squealed. “Oh my God! Thank you, Raina! My brother is going to be so excited when I tell him. I’m going to call him during my lunch break and tell him to e-mail his résumé to you right away.”
“Now, I can’t promise anything,” Raina hastened to remind her. “Like I said before, I didn’t exactly greet Warrick with open arms when he was here yesterday. But I know him. Er, I mean, I’ve heard that he’s very committed to helping young people, especially those interested in engineering careers. I don’t think he’d refuse to pass along Alphonse’s name just to spite me for not wanting to sell my property to him. He doesn’t strike me as that type of person.”
Tina beamed with pleasure. “Everything happens for a reason, Raina. That’s what my grandmother used to say, and she was right. Of all the places in Houston Warrick Mayne could have chosen for his new office building, he chose this location. You may not give him what he wants—and we won’t even go there again—but God put him in your path for a reason. If nothing else, my baby brother might get an internship, eventually even a job, out of this whole thing.”
Raina smiled weakly. “You never know.”
Tina glanced at her watch. “I’d better head out there. My client should be arriving soon.” As she stood and walked to the door, she said, “I can’t wait to call Alphonse. He won’t believe it. And wait till I tell that silly Nikki. She’s going to kick herself for not recognizing Warrick Mayne yesterday.”