Wicked Games (Denver Rebels) Read online

Page 13

  Nadia rubbed Emily’s knee consolingly. “Do you want the baby?”

  “Hell, no! I’m not ready to be someone’s mother! Are you crazy?”

  “Sorry,” Nadia said ruefully. “I had to ask.”

  Emily sniffled, swiping the tissue under her red nose. “I’m so fucked. I can’t have this baby, Nadia. I just can’t.”

  “You’re scared,” Nadia said soothingly. “That’s totally understandable. I’d feel the same way.”

  Emily snorted. “You’d never be dumb enough to get yourself knocked up.”

  “You don’t know that. I make mistakes too.” Nadia gently squeezed Emily’s hand. “Whatever you decide to do, sweetie, I’m here for you. If you’re not feeling well and need to take off, I’ll cover for you. If you want me to go to the clinic with you, I can do that. Whatever you need, Em, just let me know. All right?”

  Emily nodded, dabbing at her watery eyes. “Thanks, Nadia. I really appreciate—” She was interrupted by the sound of Nadia’s phone ringing from the bottom drawer of her desk. “You can get that. I need to use the bathroom.”

  After Emily left the office, Nadia walked back over to her desk, took her phone out of her purse and answered on the last ring. “Hello?”

  “Hey, girl,” Bianca greeted her.

  “Hey, Bianca,” Nadia murmured distractedly. “What’s up?”

  “I need a favor.”

  “Sure. What do you need?”

  “I need you to ask Reid to pose for a calendar.”

  Nadia’s brow went up. “A calendar?”

  “Yes. For the Helping Hands Caring Hearts charity.” As an active member of her sorority, Bianca volunteered in the community and served on a number of committees. One of them was a charity founded by popular radio personality Tamela Harvin. The purpose of Helping Hands Caring Hearts was to provide financial support to single fathers who’d lost their wives to cancer.

  “I know Reid donates to several charities and has done a lot of community work back in Detroit,” Bianca said.

  Nadia smiled softly. “He has.”

  While doing research on Reid, she’d been pleased to learn about the community center he’d founded to serve the needs of Detroit’s low-income youth. The center, which featured an Olympic-size ice rink, offered free skating and beginner hockey lessons as part of Reid’s mission to introduce minority youth to the sport he loved, a sport they typically weren’t exposed to.

  “Reid would be perfect for the calendar—for more reasons than one,” Bianca said with a lascivious chuckle. “I can just see him posing naked with gloves strategically placed over his, ahem, hockey stick.”

  Nadia laughed. “He’s not posing naked for your calendar.”

  “Hmm. Spoken like a possessive girlfriend.”

  Nadia flushed. “I’m not his girlfriend.”

  “Yet.” There was a knowing grin in Bianca’s voice. “So do you think he’d do it?”

  “It’s hard to say. With his busy schedule, I don’t know when or if he’d have the time. Now that the season has started, he’s gonna be on the road a lot.”

  “I know, but I’d really love to have him as one of our calendar men. Can you ask him for me?”

  “I don’t know,” Nadia hedged. “We’ve only gone out twice. I don’t want to start asking him for favors.”

  “Please, Nadia,” Bianca begged. “This is really important. Seriously. I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t for a good cause.”

  “I know.” Nadia wavered another moment, then relented with a deep sigh. “All right. I’ll ask him. But I can’t make any promises.”

  “Thanks, girl. You’re the best!”

  No sooner had Nadia hung up the phone than Jess burst into her office with an excited gleam in her eyes. “Oh my God. You’ve been outed!”

  Nadia frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Jess made a beeline across the room to shove her phone into Nadia’s face. “I’m talking about this.”

  Nadia looked at the screen and gasped.

  A photo of her and Reid at the café had made its way onto some gossip blog. In the picture, he was holding her hand as they gazed into each other’s eyes across the table. The headline above the photo speculated: Does Reid Holden Have A New Woman? You Be The Judge!

  “Shit,” Nadia whispered, grabbing the phone out of Jess’s hand.

  “There’s more. Scroll down.”

  She did. Then wished she hadn’t.

  There were two other pictures of her and Reid standing together outside the locker room after yesterday’s game. In the first photo, he was leaning close to her while gently touching her hair. Another photo captured her kissing him on the cheek while a sexy smile played at his lips.

  “Holy shit,” she breathed.

  She felt lightheaded. Becoming tabloid fodder was the very thing she’d been hoping to avoid. She valued her privacy, enjoyed her anonymity. She didn’t want to be known as the latest chick on Reid’s arm, just another random puck bunny doomed to be discarded when the next pretty thing came along.

  “The pictures are all over the Internet,” Jess said gleefully. “Everyone’s talking about you and Reid over at the admissions office.”

  Nadia groaned. “Kill me now.”

  “Why? You’re Reid Holden’s bae, and everyone knows it.”

  Nadia’s cheeks warmed. “I’m not his bae.”

  “Seriously?” Jess snatched her phone back and pointed to the photos. “Look at the way he’s staring at you, Nadia. Of all the women he’s been photographed with, I’ve never seen him look at any of them the way he looks at you. You’re totally bae.”

  Nadia bit her lip, trying to ignore the wave of pleasure unfurling deep inside her. “I don’t want all this attention.”

  Jess grinned. “What the hell did you expect? You’re dating one of the hottest players in the NHL. Which reminds me, how did your date go last night?”

  Heat washed over Nadia’s face. “It was nice.”


  Nadia couldn’t help smiling. “Better than nice. But I don’t have time to go into detail right now. I’ve got work to do.”

  “Well, luckily for you, I have a meeting to attend. But you’re not getting off the hook that easily. I want all the juicy deets, so I’m taking you to lunch. Capisci?”

  Nadia sighed. She knew better than to argue. “Fine.”

  “Good girl.” Jess grinned. “I also need you to get me the scoop on Viggo. As you saw, I totally froze last night.”

  “I know.” Nadia laughed. “I’ve never seen you so tongue-tied with a guy before.”

  “I couldn’t help it. He’s so fucking hot, my brain just kinda melted when he spoke to me. I’ll be better prepared next time.” Jess paused at the door, hazel eyes twinkling. “You should Google yourself to see what the blogs are saying about you and your new boyfriend. But stay off the fangirl Tumblr pages. Those jealous bitches are probably having epic meltdowns right now.”

  Cackling with delight, Jess headed off to her meeting.

  Swiveling around in her chair, Nadia dropped her head on the desk and groaned.

  What the hell had she gotten herself into?


  Several hours later, Reid stared out the window as the team plane soared above Massachusetts Bay and then banked to the right, gliding over Boston Harbor before descending toward Logan International Airport.

  Every time the Rebels traveled to Boston to play the Bruins, Reid felt a sense of homecoming that no rivalry could ever diminish. He’d spent four years at Boston College, leading his hockey team to two national championships and breaking enough school records to secure his future induction into the Eagles’ Hall of Fame.

  Returning to Boston always evoked fond memories of grudge matches against Harvard, Red Sox games at Fenway Park, rowdy St. Patrick’s Day keg parties and weekend benders at hole-in-the-wall Southie bars. Every time Reid came to town, he had dinner with his old coach and then hooked up with his former college girlfrien
d, Holly, who always gave him a satisfying welcome and sendoff.

  But he wouldn’t be seeing Holly this time. For the first time in six years, he had no interest in calling her up and getting together. After the spectacular night he’d spent with Nadia, he couldn’t even imagine being with another woman. Not now, and possibly never again.

  Nadia had rocked his damn world. During the flight to Boston, he couldn’t stop thinking about her and how utterly amazing she’d felt, how hot and tight her pussy was, so fucking wet he’d wanted to drown inside her. He remembered the way she’d clawed his back and dug her heels into his ass, the way her breathy moans had turned into screams of ecstasy as she’d lost control. She’d made him come harder than he ever had in his life.

  Just thinking about it had him smothering a groan as his teammates dozed around him. He shifted in his seat, adjusting the fit of his pants over his growing erection.

  Leaning back against the headrest, he closed his eyes and tried to distract himself by focusing on stats and game strategy. But his mind kept returning to Nadia. He’d never craved another woman as badly as he craved her. He was already counting down the hours until he could see her again.

  Man, was he fucked.

  After arriving at the airport with the coaches, trainers and beat writers that traveled with the team, the Rebels boarded a chartered bus that would take them to their hotel. On the way over Reid checked his phone, smiling when he saw the text messages from his siblings wishing him good luck on tomorrow night’s game.

  He had just finished responding to their texts when he got a call from his agent. The moment he heard the excitement in Kyle’s voice, he knew he was in for some good news.

  “I know you just landed in Boston,” Kyle said without preamble, “but I couldn’t wait to give you the latest update. We finally reached an agreement with Nike. They’re offering a long-term endorsement partnership that includes a signature shoe collection. You’re also gonna wear their performance products whenever you’re playing, practicing or training. The deal’s worth—”

  A horn blared outside the window, but Reid still heard the seven-figure amount that Kyle quoted. His eyes widened, and he let out a long appreciative whistle. “Niiice.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Kyle agreed with a laugh. “The company believes in you, Reid. They think you’re one of the most exciting athletes out there right now—and not just in the NHL. You’re chasing history with that scoring record. They’re also banking on your team making a deep run in the playoffs and hopefully taking home the Stanley Cup. If you’re named MVP, all the better.”

  Reid chuckled. “No pressure.”

  “Right.” Kyle laughed. “Anyway, you’re probably on your way to the hotel. So I’ll call you tomorrow so we can discuss the offer and hammer out the details.”

  Reid nodded. “Works for me.”

  “Good. And by the way, I spoke to Landrieu,” Kyle said, referring to the Rebels’ owner. “He’s very pleased that you decided to end your media boycott.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Reid said dryly.

  Coach Bohler had pulled him aside that morning to commend him on behalf of management. During the conversation, he’d reiterated how valuable Reid was to the organization, and reminded him that maintaining positive relationships with the media was integral to preserving the team’s image and visibility. Reid had merely listened and nodded, the company spiel going in one ear and out the other. He knew that as long as he produced results on the ice, Coach didn’t give a crap about him playing nice with reporters.

  “Do you know why you’re one of my favorite clients, Reid?” Kyle asked.

  Reid couldn’t help smirking. “I’m guessing it’s because I make you a shit ton of money.”

  Kyle laughed unabashedly. “That you do. You’re one of the most bankable players in the NHL, Reid. You’re a game changer, a proven leader and a winner—with a pretty face to boot. Anything you can do to capitalize on your marketability is a win for us both. Never forget that.”

  “As if you’d ever let me,” Reid drawled wryly.

  When he got off the phone with his agent, Viggo, who sat beside him, bumped his shoulder and asked, “Good news?”

  “Yeah. The endorsement deal with Nike came through.”

  “For real?” Viggo grinned broadly and gave him a high five. “Congratulations, bro! That’s fucking fantastic!”

  “Thanks, man.” Reid grinned, ducking his head in an aw-shucks manner. “I’m just a lowly defenseman trying to keep up with you, Mr. Reebok slash Microsoft slash Rolex slash IKEA slash—”

  Viggo snorted a laugh. “Dude, you get more love from companies than most guys in the league. I’d say you’re doing pretty damn good for a ‘lowly defenseman.’ As if.” He grinned. “We’ll have to celebrate your new deal tomorrow after the game. Drinks are on me.”

  “Cool.” Reid smiled. “If all goes well, that won’t be our only reason for celebrating tomorrow night.”

  “Hells yeah! We’re kicking ass and taking names!” Pounding on the back of the seat in front of him, Viggo broke into the team’s signature “rebel yell” chant.

  Heads turned in his direction, bodies straightened in seats, earphones were removed and slow grins spread across unshaven faces.

  Viggo’s macho enthusiasm was contagious. Reid joined in on the chant, followed by Logan Brassard and Hunter Duchene, who actually put down his book and stood up, a rare boyish grin creasing his rugged face. Before long the entire team was chanting raucously and stomping their feet louder than a busload of high school football players celebrating a state championship victory.

  It was these moments of camaraderie that made them forget about contract disputes, salary caps and heartbreaking losses that had ended playoff runs. These bonding moments made the grueling road trips bearable, and at times downright enjoyable.

  When the team arrived at the hotel, a small crowd awaited them. As the players filed through the lobby in their suits and ties, a few Bruins fans heckled them good-naturedly while the rest clamored for autographs. Some puck bunnies tried to slip their phone numbers to Reid and several other players, but they were thwarted by hotel security.

  After checking in at the front desk, the players headed up to their rooms to rest before dinner. They were on their own for the evening, but they had to be up early tomorrow for the morning skate.

  As usual, Reid and Viggo were roommates. Reid entered the room first and carried his bag over to the bed by the window. While Viggo headed to the bathroom, Reid shrugged out of his suit jacket, pulled out his phone and sat down on the bed to call Nadia. He missed her and wanted to hear her voice.

  He waited impatiently as her phone rang once, twice, three times. When the voice mail picked up, he was disappointed as hell.

  “Hey there! You’ve reached Nadia…well, not really, since you’re listening to my voice mail. I’m sorry I missed your call. If it’s really important, please leave me a message and I’ll get back to you. Pinkie swear!”

  Reid smiled at the whimsical, rambling recording. When the beep sounded, he murmured, “Hey, beautiful. Just wanted to let you know I’m here. I’m guessing you’re still at work. Hope you had a good day and weren’t too tired. Been thinking about you.”

  He hesitated, wanting to say more. But then Viggo came out of the bathroom, so he settled for a gruff, “Call me back when you get a chance.”

  As he hung up, Viggo gave him a knowing grin. “Really did a number on you, didn’t she?”

  “Fuck off,” Reid grumbled.

  Viggo laughed and shook his head, an awed expression on his face as he plopped down in the desk chair. “Never thought I’d live to see this day.”

  Reid narrowed his eyes. “What day?”

  “The day The Rocket became pussy whipped.”

  Reid scowled. “I’m not pussy whipped.”

  “Like hell you aren’t,” Viggo countered with a laugh. “You’ve got all the classic symptoms, bro. First you showed up for the bus this morning grinning
from ear to ear. Then you hardly talked to anyone on the plane because you were too busy daydreaming. And then what’s the first thing you do when we get here? Call Nadia to tell her you’re thinking about her.” Viggo grinned. “You sure sound pussy whipped to me.”

  Reid fought a grin. “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

  “No? Then tell me this. Are you gonna see Holly this weekend?”

  Reid hesitated a moment before shaking his head. “I don’t think so.”

  Viggo burst out laughing. “I rest my case!”

  Reid grimaced and tossed his phone onto the nightstand, then sat forward with his hands clasped between his legs.

  Viggo observed him, gray eyes twinkling. “Damn, bro. One night with Nadia and you’re ruined for all other broads.”

  Reid’s lips quirked into a smile he couldn’t suppress. The Swede wasn’t too far off the mark.

  “It’s not just about the sex,” he confessed. “I mean, yeah, last night was absolutely amazing. But there was more to it than that. Nadia’s…different.”

  Viggo looked intrigued. “In what way?”

  “Well, not only is she beautiful, but she’s warm and funny and smart as hell. The way she talks, the way she laughs, the way she carries herself…Everything about her just fascinates me, you know? And she’s not caught up in dating a rich athlete. Hell, she’d probably like me more if I didn’t play hockey,” he said with a wry chuckle. “Jocks aren’t really her thing.”

  Viggo grinned. “Then I guess you’re lucky she made an exception for you.”

  “Yeah. I am.” Reid smiled quietly. “I’ve never met another woman like her before. She makes me rethink everything I’ve ever known.”

  Viggo shook his head slowly, staring at Reid with a look of incredulous sympathy. “Dude. You are so fucked.”

  Reid dropped his face into his hands and let out a helpless groan. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  Viggo laughed. “Seriously, man. You’ve got it bad. But I can’t really say I blame you. Nadia sounds pretty amazing.”

  Reid sighed. “She is.”